PriceMe Support

Billing process - How and when am I charged for referrals?

Featured retailers are charged on a monthly basis for referrals (clicks). The billing process is outlined here:

  1. An invoice is created on the 2nd of the month for the previous month. The invoice contains the number of referrals, the PPC rate and the amount. We email out the invoice from Xero (our accounting system).
  2. The invoice is due on the 9th of the month. You can check and compare the number of referrals in your own web analytics package. Please let us know if there's a discrepancy in the accounting.
  3. Retailers on a credit card payment option are charged on the 9th. Retailers on other payment options need to make a payment prior to this date.

Note: You can view your invoices and payments inĀ PriceMe Merchant. Please email accounts at if you have any questions.