PriceMe Support

PriceMe FAQs

What is PriceMe?

PriceMe is a rapidly growing online comparison shopping engine. Our goal is to bring qualified buyers who are looking for products to buy and match them up with our retailer partners who sell those products. For retailer partners, PriceMe is a pay-for-performance site. We provide comprehensive price and product comparison and a clean, uncluttered interface which allows consumers to do what they came to do: compare and buy.

What does PPC mean?

PPC stands for Pay Per Click and is pay for performance model similar to Google Adwords. PPC implies that you're charged a small fee only when a PriceMe user clicks through to your website.

How much does the PPC program cost?

Please enquire about our PPC rates.There is no setup fee and no commission on sales. So why not try out the program and start driving quality leads to your website directly?

How and when do I pay?

Participants are charged around the 8th of each month for the previous month's expense. You can pay by a credit card (direct credit as a payment option offered on a case by case basis). The merchant portal allows you to track your costs in real time, and you can check out the outstanding balance in the payment section. Please find the account details on the invoice.

How much traffic does PriceMe generate for me?

You can check out the amount of visitors using the merchant portal. The management team at PriceMe has years of experiencing in acquiring traffic though partnerships with major websites, paid and natural search, and through new products. In addition, comparison shopping is also gaining traction and more and more consumers are likely to use this kind of shopping services in the near future.

How does PriceMe prevent click fraud?

PriceMe is very effective at filtering out non-human traffic and preventing click fraud. We monitor user behaviour using various algorithms.

Missing features?

We would like to hear from you. What is missing and what can be improved? Please contact us at PriceMe support or submit a request here.

How do I submit my products to PriceMe?

After a retailer has signed up through contacting us, the product data can be submitted using a data feed. Both CSV and XML formats are supported. PriceMe can read most feed formats, so it's likely that we're able to reuse an existing feed file (even if not specifically created for PriceMe).

Is there a contract period?

No, PriceMe does not bind its retailers to any specific contract period. You are free to join and change plan at any time. We strongly believe in our product, and this is evident through the success PriceMe has brought to many of its customers.

Are there any start-up fees or cancellation fees?

No, there are no start-up or cancellation fees. The only cost is the PPC cost.

How do I join?

Please sign up here if you're interested in becoming a PriceMe retailer partner.